Compression is an important component of the treatment and maintenance of lymphedema. We recommend going to a certified fitter and looking into whether custom garments will be beneficial for you. The right fit and pressure is crucial for lymphedema patients.
AADL Coverage
Alberta Aids to Daily Living (AADL) provides partial coverage/cost sharing for those requiring compression garments. You must complete the following steps to ensure you are eligible for coverage before purchasing:
- See a healthcare professional (such as your family doctor) for a clinical assessment on what garments, equipment, and supplies you need.
- Take your assessment to an AADL approved fitter/vendor. Your assessor may provide you with a few options for fitters, or you can use the AADL list to find one.
- Purchase and apply for AADL cost-sharing for the items selected by your approved fitter/vendor.
- Get reimbursed for the items eligible for coverage.
Current coverage, as of November 2024, includes the following:
- 75% paid for by AADL of a benchmark price for all Albertans*, up to a maximum contribution of $500 per individual or family, regardless of income (*some exceptions apply – see AADL Eligibility)
- Low income and those receiving income assistance are eligible for 100% coverage
- Garments per year – 3 off-the-shelf or 2 custom garments
- Nighttime garments are not covered
Visit the AADL site for further information on their Eligibility Criteria, How to Apply, and a list of Approved Vendors/Fitters for custom or ready-made garments.